Week 29
Sorry for late day posting #easter
Monday—I worked on more schoolwork and work study work.
Tuesday—At Intro to Theological Reflection, we discussed the church and ecclesiology.
At Theopoetics, Preaching, & Society, I gave my third sermon and passed. I preached about peace and what true peace looks like. My main text was from Sirach; I was very excited to use Sirach to preach with.
Wednesday—I had chapel in the morning and then worked on schoolwork.
Thursday—At Theopoetics 1, we had three classmates present their theopoets to the class. I gave my presentation on Fr. Raymond Roseliep, Catholic priest and haiku poet. We then discussed Whitman.
Friday through Sunday, I celebrated Holy Weekend with my family. I also made actual loaves of potato bread. Pics of a loaf below!

He is risen! Alleluia!!
Bonus holiday! On Easter Sunday, it was also Haiku International Poetry Day! What are the odds?
Happy Eastertide!
Prayers and thoughts are always appreciated for me as I continue my journey in higher education! Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!