Week 30
Monday—I worked on my schoolwork.
Tuesday—At Intro to Theological Reflections, we discussed the sacraments and Christian practice. We also discussed how Christian practices could become distorted.
At Theopoetics, Preaching, & Society, we discussed theopoetics and preaching, specifically, how art can be used to share a message. After class, I gave my last presentation for the class which was a virtual ginko (haiku walk).
Wednesday—I had my last chapel of the year.
Thursday—At Theopoetics 1, we just had our presentations on theopoets for the entire class period.
Friday—I had my haiku mentee meeting. Then in the afternoon I had a meeting with my advisor and registered for my classes in the fall.
Saturday—In the morning, I had my monthly Ohio Haiku meeting. Then the rest of the day I finished packing for my Holy Land Trip and turned in assignments.
Sunday—I had my DND session and Bible Study.
This entire week I had been working on my final projects for my classes as I will be going to the Holy Land next week with Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Preparing for that and getting my assignments in has been stressful, but I am almost there. I am so excited to go. I won’t be posting any more updates until I return from the trip. Expect some awesome pictures from my time there!
Prayers and thoughts are always appreciated for me as I continue my journey in higher education! Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!