On Monday, my Conscious Financial Living class came to an end. For the last class, we had another professor come and talk about ecological effects of consumerism. She also discussed how simple living was a part of that and how our faith should be influencing us in our decisions. I am glad the class is over as I get my Monday nights back, but it was a good class because it made me think and discuss my beliefs about money and how my faith interacts with financial living.
As I continue to learn more about Brethren and Quakers, simple living is something I want to try to incorporate into my own spiritual practices.
At Applied Storytelling, we talked about how people use storytelling to move people to make changes. This conversation was mainly around political action and marketing. The cool thing is for our assignment I will have to write a marketing plan for an organization.
On Wednesday, the PPRS students had dinner with the president of Bethany. We got free food and talked to the president, a win-win.
Thursday was a little stressful for me. I went to Seton High School and helped the senior class choose a service project so they can lead the rest of the school. They decided on doing Operation Christmas Child. Pray for our success. Seton Parish is my practicum site for my Applied Storytelling class, and I do hope I will be able to work and serve with them while I complete my degree.
At Poetry Writing, we talked about sonnets. I do not like sonnets as I do not understand how to write them. I like to read them sometimes, but do not ask me to write them. We read Denise Levertov’s poem “Mass for the Day of St. Thomas Didymus.” The poem had aspects of the mass like the kyrie and gloria. It was interesting to see a poem using these aspects of mass, and the discussion we had around it was fun. My professor told us that she wrote a poem similar to the structure of the mass like Levertov. Now, I want to write a poem using the structure of the mass as well.
The weekend was relaxing as I did some homework and work-study. My girlfriend helped me transcribe my haiku I have written over the last couple of months. I also submitted to a couple of haiku magazines.
My flexitarian diet went well for the first week. I was plant-based for the majority of my meals. I had only six meat-based meals, so only a third of my meals were meat-based. Hopefully, my diet will continue to go well, and I will keep on incorporating my spirituality into my meals and food.
Prayers and thoughts are always appreciated for me as I continue my journey in higher education! Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!